At first we should accept persons than clothes but in ours at first we accept clothes than persons and sometimes we accept only clothes and the person doesn't exist.
Time comes and goes away. Fashion changes too much. And every one of us in his life want to feel like as a new person. But to change your style, hairstyle, make-up is quite complicated task for people. I think that it’s important to follow the fashion, but not blindly. We should always have our style and parallel take some elements of fashion tendencies. Following the fashion you feel that you are an individuality. Fashion tendencies are very important for teenagers. But there are some teenagers who think that looking clean is more important than looking trendy. I also follow the fashion but for me it is important to feel comfortable. I am sure that we will look great when we wear comfortable clothes because when we feel comfort we are more confident and more free.
At present there are many brands which produce clothes, shoes, bags, shirts, pants, hands. Those brands are Armani, Chanelle , Louis Vuitton, Reebok, Burberry, Fendi, Hermes, Givenchy, Mango, Zara, Adidas, Nike, H&M ect.
According to the latest newspapers statistics 50 % of teenagers think that quality is more important than fashion. I quite agree with them. If clothes is expensive and qoulified we will wear them for a long time.
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